Kubeflow Dashboard
- Kubeflow Charmers
- Ai Ml
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/beta | 600 | 09 Jul 2024 | |
latest/edge | 727 | 22 Jan 2025 | |
1.9/stable | 659 | 30 Jul 2024 | |
1.9/edge | 686 | 27 Sep 2024 | |
1.8/stable | 582 | 28 Jun 2024 | |
1.8/edge | 666 | 06 Aug 2024 | |
1.7/stable | 439 | 09 Oct 2023 | |
1.7/beta | 307 | 28 Mar 2023 | |
1.7/edge | 439 | 28 Sep 2023 |
juju deploy kubeflow-dashboard --channel 1.9/stable
Deploy Kubernetes operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager. Need a Kubernetes cluster? Install MicroK8s to create a full CNCF-certified Kubernetes system in under 60 seconds.
- Last updated 28 Jun 2023
- Revision Library version 0.1
KubeflowDashboardSidebar Library
This library implements data transfer for the kubeflow_dashboard_sidebar interface used by Kubeflow Dashboard to implement the sidebar relation. This relation enables applications to request a link on the Kubeflow Dashboard sidebar dynamically.
To enable an application to add a link to Kubeflow Dashboard's sidebar, use the KubeflowDashboardSidebarRequirer and SidebarItem classes included here as shown below. No additional action is required within the charm. On establishing the relation, the data will be sent to Kubeflow Dashboard to add the link. The link will be removed if the relation is broken.
Getting Started
To get started using the library, fetch the library with charmcraft
cd some-charm
charmcraft fetch-lib charms.kubeflow_dashboard.v0.kubeflow_dashboard_sidebar
Then in your charm, do:
from charms.kubeflow_dashboard.v0.kubeflow_dashboard_sidebar import (
# ...
text="Example Relative Link",
text="Example External Link",
class SomeCharm(CharmBase):
def __init__(self, *args):
# ...
self.kubeflow_dashboard_sidebar = KubeflowDashboardSidebarRequirer(
relation_name="sidebar", # use whatever you call the relation in your metadata.yaml
# ...
class SidebarItem
Representation of a Kubeflow Dashboard sidebar entry.
The text shown in the sidebar
The relative link within the host (eg: /runs, not http://.../runs)
A type of sidebar entry (typically, "item")
An icon for the link, from https://kevingleason.me/Polymer-Todo/bower_components/iron-icons/demo/index.html
See https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/components/central-dash/customizing-menu/ for more details.
class KubeflowDashboardSidebarDataUpdatedEvent
Indicates the Kubeflow Dashboard Sidebar data was updated. None
class KubeflowDashboardidebarEvents
Events for the Kubeflow Dashboard Sidebar library. None
class KubeflowDashboardSidebarProvider
Relation manager for the Provider side of the Kubeflow Dashboard Sidebar relation.. None
Relation manager for the Provider side of the Kubeflow Dashboard Sidebar relation.
Charm this relation is being used by
Name of this relation (from metadata.yaml)
List of BoundEvents that this manager should handle. Use this to update the data sent on this relation on demand.
This relation manager subscribes to:
- on[relation_name].relation_changed
- any events provided in refresh_event
This library emits:
- KubeflowDashboardSidebarDataUpdatedEvent: when data received on the relation is updated
TODO: Should this class automatically subscribe to events, or should it optionally do that. The former is typical of charm libraries, the latter lets the user better control and visibility on how it is used.
Returns a list of all SidebarItems from related Applications.
If True and this is called during a sidebar-relation-broken event, the remote app's data will be omitted. For more context, see: https://github.com/canonical/kubeflow-dashboard-operator/issues/124
List of SidebarItems defining the dashboard sidebar for all related applications.
Returns a JSON string of all SidebarItems from related Applications.
If True and this is called during a sidebar-relation-broken event, the remote app's data will be omitted. For more context, see: https://github.com/canonical/kubeflow-dashboard-operator/issues/124
JSON string of all SidebarItems for all related applications, each as dicts.
class KubeflowDashboardSidebarRequirer
Relation manager for the Requirer side of the Kubeflow Dashboard Sidebar relation. None
Relation manager for the Requirer side of the Kubeflow Dashboard Sidebar relation.
Charm this relation is being used by
Name of this relation (from metadata.yaml)
List of SidebarItem objects to send over the relation
List of BoundEvents that this manager should handle. Use this to update the data sent on this relation on demand.
This relation manager subscribes to:
on.leader_elected: because only the leader is allowed to provide this data, and relation_created may fire before the leadership election
any events provided in refresh_event
This library emits:
- (nothing)
TODO: Should this class automatically subscribe to events, or should it optionally do that. The former is typical of charm libraries, the latter lets the user better control and visibility on how it is used.
def get_name_of_breaking_app(relation_name: str)
Returns breaking app name if called during RELATION_NAME-relation-broken and the breaking app name is available. # noqa
Else, returns None.
Relation type and app name are inferred from juju environment variables.
def sidebar_items_to_json(sidebar_items)
Returns a list of SidebarItems as a JSON string. None